Abortion is…

3 min readJan 23, 2020


Here are the facts: one in four American women will have an abortion in their lifetime, and over 70% of Americans support legal access to abortion.

Despite this reality, the media pretends that the extremist view of the anti-choice movement is the view of the majority of Americans on abortion. This is how we fight back: by uplifting the voices of people who should be front and center instead.

Here are five stories shared by UltraViolet members:

“Abortion is freedom.

I had my abortion at 15 and I have never regretted it.

My abortion allowed me to escape an abusive relationship with an older man, whereas a child would have bound me to my abuser for life.

I am still healing from the abuse I suffered over 40 years ago,
but I was fortunate to meet a
wonderfully supportive
partner and we have a 30-year-old son who is a joy. None of that would have been possible without my abortion at 15.”

—UltraViolet member from California

“I had an abortion when I had two young children and couldn’t afford a third.* It was a very painful decision to make. But the same people who want to restrict abortion, do not want to increase the minimum wage, make welfare a helpful program that offers sufficient support to mothers and children, or do anything else that would make it possible for families to raise children. I had to make a tough decision and can’t imagine what would have happened if I didn’t have access to safe, legal medical services.” — UltraViolet member from Illinois

”Abortion gave me relief.

I was 17. I could not tell parents or friends. I told the boy, he said he’d be there but he didn’t show up. A friend, at the last minute, did. It was a scary time but it was a powerful time. My body, my choice, and my right! No regrets.”

— UltraViolet member from California

“I had been told I couldn’t get pregnant because of my cancer and when I did get pregnant, I was told I would likely throw myself out of remission if I continued the pregnancy.

NO ONE should be able to force a woman to have a baby under such circumstances. Everyone’s situation is different, and nobody but the individual knows what is best for them and their family. Keep the politicians out of it!” — UltraViolet member from Oregon

“My boyfriend and I had known each other for less than six months when I become pregnant. We didn’t know each other well and neither of us wanted a child.

I grew up feeling abandoned and rejected by my parents and wanted to make sure if I ever had a child that they would feel deeply wanted and loved. So I had an abortion.

Eight years later, after many difficult discussions, we agreed to have a baby. I feel so grateful to spend my days with our five-year-old daughter. I see how happy, wanted, and loved she is…”

UltraViolet member from Washington

